Booking form | SAD Dunajská Streda, a.s.

Booking form

Bus types

Personal data protection

By selecting the check box I give permission to the operator SAD Dunajská Streda, joint stock company, registration number: 36 245 488, registered office Bratislavská cesta 918/2, 92913 Dunajská Streda, Slovakia, to process my personal data and provide it to the third party which has contractual relationship with the operator for the purpose of electronic data processing of this application.


According to the regulation EP and R (ES) nr. 561/2006, the driver can be available for the client for 13 hours per day or for 15 hours provided he can have a continuous rest of 3 hours during the tour (without moving the vehicle). This period includes also the time for shunting the coach.

After 1st of January 2014, if the coach is driven in the timeframe 22:00 pm. and 6:00 am., it must be driven by more drivers or the driving time must be reduced to three hours.

The order party declares that the above mentioned condition is understood and in case of violation of the regulation by schedule amendment/s imposed by the client, will generate fine payable by the order party.

If the customer excessively pollutes or damages the interior of the bus by his action, the operator shall demand a full refund.

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